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The Garden is now acknowledged to be the best example of a restored Gertrude Jekyll garden in the world. The plans (originals are held at the University of Berkeley in California) are dated 1908 and are on display. We have visitors from all around the world. From 1993 onwards we are included in nearly every Garden Guide published.

Horticulture Magazine, Landscape

A view From a Window. Heather Angel

Horticulture Week Magazine U.K.,
The Hampshire Chronicle.
Country Life Magazine, (large photograph in article about Hampshire Gardens Trust).
Radio Four’s Woman’s Hour.
T.V. South. Programme showing start of restoration here.

Stephan Buczacki’s BBC T.V. programme Gardens in Hampshire
The Independent Newspaper’s Colour Supplement.
The Times Newspaper’s Saturday Garden page by Francesca Greenoak.
Femina Magazine and one further German magazine.
The R.H.S. Magazine The Garden. By Sally Festing

Traditional Homes magazine,
House and Garden magazine U.S.A. (Front cover and main feature) Practical Gardening. Magazine
Twice on T.V. South, Meridian about continuing restoration of Miss Jekyll’s Garden

The Financial Times Saturday.
Country Week magazine.
Country Life magazine (an article on grass tennis courts)
The Daily Mail (Mail on Saturday).
House and Garden UK.
English Heritage Magazine

Good Housekeeping. magazine
The Times.
Richard Bisgrove’s ‘The Gardens of Gertrude Jekyll’.
The Museum of Garden History, Lambeth Palace mounted a Jekyll Exhibition which included a stand about Upton Grey, a photograph of this garden made up the cover.

Sally Festing’s biography of GJ (a mention).
Heather Angel’s ‘A View from a Window’.

Woman’s Weekly.
Several newspapers in North and South Islands of New Zealand where I gave talks in November (includes, The Daily Post. The New Zealand Gardener magazine, The Press).
The Daily Express.
Fujingaho Magazine Japan.

Patrick Taylor’s Book One Hundred English Gardens pub. Headline and English Heritage.

In two parts of Geoff Hamilton’s BBC2 TV programme series ‘Paradise Gardens. And several repeats
Country Life magazine.
The English Garden magazine.
Perspectives magazine.
Repeat of Paradise Gardens BBC TV
Paradise Gardens. Geof Hamilton. (to accompany the television series)
The Mail on Sunday colour supplement ‘You’ August 30th .
July The Times article
Another repeat of Paradise Gardens on BBC TV
Flower Garden by Seiko Hirota for a large Japanese magazine
May Another Repeat of Paradise Gardens.
June Two large Japanese Magazines run articles about the garden (can’t read titles but are on display here. We have several group visits from Japan each year)
July 1999 ‘The Historic Gardens Foundation’ print my illustrated article on Jekyll
Autumn 1999 BBC TV Gardeners’ World feature this garden and interview with Stephen Lacey.
Autumn 1999 Bo Bedre Magazine article about the garden
Gardening for Ladies. A history Anja Birne

January 6th T.V Channel Four Ricochet Films ‘The Twentieth Century Garden’ broadcast
2000 Four more major Japanese magazines and booklets (written in Japanese so I cannot make out their titles!)
2000 A German book ‘Women and Gardens’
2000 Japan:- Another large magazine/booklet features the garden and me
My book ‘Gertrude Jekyll’s Lost Garden. The Restoration of an Edwardian Masterpiece’ was published by A.C.C.’s Garden Art Press in April 2000.
The following were either reviews or articles about the garden:-
The Daily Telegraph ‘Weekend ‘ April 11th
Antiques and Heritage May
Country Life May
The Book club of America bought 3,000 copes of my book and gave good reviews
The Washington Post Article and book review by Adrian HIGGINS (June)
Homes and Antiques June
The New York Times. Book Review by Verlyn Klinkenborg (14 June)
Women’s Hour BBC Radio 4 interview about Jekyll June
Bo Bedre (Norway June)
Hortus Summer
July The Victorian magazine of the arts and Crafts; a review
Garden History Society book review Summer ed
The Hampshire Magazine book review October
The Hampshire Gardens Trust Journal book review Autumn
Country Life. A review by Fenja Gunn
The American Horticultural Society an article and review of my book by Abbie Zabar Portland’s ‘The Gardeners’ October
Tradgard (Norway). October
Hagen (Sweden). October
November Bollettino della Fondazione Roseto Botanico Carla Fineschi
The Daily Telegraph December 16. ‘Books of the Year’

FEBRUARY Country Living (USA) Articles by Jane Garmey, Sally Griffiths and photographs Hugh Palmer
April filmed for BBC Digital Television
Throughout 2001 the garden and I were filmed several times for the new Alan Titchmarsh series which was broadcast on BBC 2 in March 2002
APRIL BBC 1 ‘Curious Gardens’ which was broadcast in April 2002
June The garden was filmed by a Belgian company for a video to be called ‘Great European Gardens’ to be distributed on video and CD throughout Europe.
APRIL Historic Gardens Review Spring 2001
May Town and Country Garden Jane Garmey
June July British Heritage Magazine June/July 2001-09-12
June The RHS’s The Garden June 2001 . Article by James Bartholomew on p478 “While we are handing out prizes (for gardens of historical correctness) I would like to add (to English Heritage ‘s top gardens) The Privy Garden at Hampton Court and Upton Grey, designed by Gertrude Jekyll”
The Financial Times August 18th Weekend section, by Robin Lane Fox
‘Yew and non-Yew. Gardening for Horticultural Climbers’ by James Bartholomew published by Century Random. Book listing Upton Grey THIRD yew garden in Britain!
Summer ‘Pergolas Arbours and Arches’ by Paul Edwards and Katherine Swift. Published by Barn Elms publishing. Features some photographs taken at Upton Grey taken by Jessica Smith

2002 January Landscape Trades Canada Brian Slemming
March and April 2002
BBC T.V. Alan Titchmarsh 8 part weekly series on ‘How to be a Gardener’ Uses this garden as a background on some programmes and as main feature setting on April 17.
Saturday 6th April The Times ‘Weekend’ by Katherine Swift
April 24 Evening Standard
Hampshire Life magazine April issue
April BBC T.V. April ‘Curious Gardeners’ May 17
My book ‘Gertrude Jekyll’s Lost Garden’ was reprinted for the third time this spring.
June BBC T.V. ‘Gardeners’ World’
June BBC T.V. another quick shot on ‘How to be a Gardener’
July BBC T.V. filmed here with Alan Titchmarsh for Programme broadcast spring 03

The Changing Garden – Four Centuries of European and American Art by Betsy Fryberger published Cantor Centre for Visual Arts.
March 20th BBC TV ‘How to be a Gardener’ with Alan Titchmarsh
April Hampshire Society magazine p.20-22 article by June Parkinson
June Hampshire the county Magazine article by Deborah Venables p.40-44
November 4th Interview on ABC Radio with Michael McCoy in Melbourne
November 8th Interview with Sydney ABC Radio
November Gardens Illustrated Magazine
November The Gardens of Britain and Ireland. Patrick Taylor published by Dorling Kindersley

Frauen und ihre Garten by Charlotte Seeling
June 11th BBC TV Gertrude Jekyll in The Art of the Garden. with Dairmid Gavin as presenter. Much of the filming done here in March 2004.
July BBC Greyweather Productions filmed here for a series to be called ‘A Shine of the Times’ to be broadcast in March 2005
July 24/25 The Australian ‘Weekend’ Holly Kerr Forsyth
September New House Magazine. A Russian publication, printed in Moscow
29th August The Post and Courier. (U.S.A.) Marty Whaley Adams ‘An English Garden Revisited’
November Judith Tankard’s ‘Gardens of the Arts and Crafts Movement’ published by Abrams
Also in 2004 – but I do not have copies…….
Kotipuutarha (Home and Garden) A Finnish Magazine
A Russian Magazine printed in Moscow ‘New House’ article by Elena Chistiakova. Several colourful pages of the garden but sadly I don’t understand the text!
A group from Korea arrived with a copy of a booklet (in Korean) entitled Great Gardens of Europe. Sadly I have been unable to obtain a copy

Spring issue of Gartentraume (Gardendreams) an article by Anja Daume and Uwe Messer. Several pages of coloured photographs and ample text.
Victorian Rose News. (Fortieth Anniversary Issue of Australia’s important Rose bulletin) Page 23-24 ‘Roses in a Jekyll Garden’ by Dr C. Heathcote.
Filmed by BBC for another Alan Titchmarsh series to be called The Garden Through the Year due for broadcast October 2005
Friday 1st July The Daily Telegraph half page spread photograph of RW mowing grass at Upton Grey in article about lawn care.
Sunday August 7th The Sunday Telegraph House and Home Section. Article ‘A Treasure is Unearthed’, about a G Jekyll and Lutyens house and garden discovered in Halkenen in Surrey then ‘The Amateur Detective’ about us at Upton Grey. With photograph.
End of August Japanese Television Company ‘East’ spend two days here filming for a programme to be broadcast in January 2006
November Visa Infinite No 3.05 article by Wyndham Wallace
December Hampshire Life ‘A Living Museum’ by Leigh Clapp

The Oxford Companion to the Garden. Edited by Patrick Taylor
January 27th Friday BBC TV with Alan Titchmarsh.
February 1st and 2nd Japanese TV NHK Hi Vision. Two programmes
February 5th and 6th NHK BS Japanese TV
May 15th BBC TV Favourite Museums of London featured Upton Grey Garden for Museum of Garden History
June Hampshire Society
August Hampshire the County Magazine
Holly Kerr Forsythe Remembered Gardens
October 19 BBC TV Digging Deep
September BBC TV programme on gardens as therapy uses Upton Grey
December Sunday 23rd The Financial Times. Front page:- Christmas Quiz. Question 6 ‘Match the garden to the gardener….Gertrude Jekyll….Upton Grey’
November The English Garden. Ursula Buchan and Andrew Lawson published Frances Lincoln Ltd.

Winter Issue Garten Trauma ‘Great Britain’s Gartenideal
September 29th and 30th The Weekend Australian Holly Kerr Forsythe ‘Portrait of an Estate’ (JML’s pic of house and garden)
October Englisch Garten – Landvillen. Marcus Peter, Zurich
November Heritage Gardens. The World’s Great Gardens Saved by Restoration. By George Plumptre. Published by Mitchel Beazley.
Holly Kerr Forsythe ‘The Constant Gardener’

February 23rd The Financial Times Saturday ‘House and Home’ p 13
‘How to Grow a Green Dividend’ article by Patricia Cleveland Peck
July 7th The Independent on Sunday Colour supplement ‘Gardens’ Gardens to visit (13 in total)
Discovery (an ACP Magazine) May-July
August and September Channel Five television’s ‘ I Own Britain’s Best Home and Garden’ . Gold Medal winner (broadcast twice)
October Clare College Cambridge’s ‘Members News’ ‘Gardens of Delight’

May/June The English Home (publication for USA distribution)
May Period Ideas magazine
March ‘The Gardens of Eden. Among the World’s Most Beautiful Gardens.’ Holly Kerr Forsyth the Megunyal Press
April ‘The Book of the Edwardian and Interwar House.’ Richard Russell Lawrence. Aurum Press. ISBN 978 1 84513 340 5
April The Horticulturist. Journal of the Institute of Horticulture. ‘Tennis by Design’ by Graeme Moore.
Dns les Jardins du Monde. Alain le Touquin

Country Life Magazine (and on front cover) Jan 20th ‘Jekyll’s Genius’
Country Life June 23rd Country Mouse, Garden Envy
September Country Gardener Hampshire Liz Ware
Judith Tankard ‘Gertrude Jekyll and the Country House Garden’ front cover of the book, published by Country Life August 2011

April Hampshire Life. Article by Sarah Coles
June The English Home Article ‘English Country Gardens’
June Judith Tankard ‘Gertrude Jekyll and the Country House Garden,
June Puutarha (a Finnish magazine) article on the garden
June The Most Amazing Gardens in Britain and Ireland Readers’ Digest
September 2011 Country Life. Article by Judith Tankard
August 2011 ORF Radio Ober Osterreich by Karl ‘England’s Most Beautiful Gardens.

March Alain le Toquin a beautiful calendar. ‘Cottage Garten’ June. Bauerliche Blautentraume
April La Fleur dans l’Art des Jardins.. Alain le Toquin
June BISES a Japanese magazine page 60
November Flowers in the World’s Most Beautiful gardens. Yves-Marie Allain Abrams NY
Garden Design Journal December
A review of my book, due out March by Toby Musgrave…..lost for the moment!

Clive Aslet’s Edwardian Country House (last chapter The Edwardian Garden)
Review of latest book by Stephen Harmer
Clive Aslet’s Edwardian Country House (last chapter The Edwardian Garden)
Review of latest book by Stephen Harmer
Review GJ’s Art Toby Musgrave
Review GJ’s ART The RHS July The Garden Twiggs Way
July RHS magazine The Garden review book by Twiggs way
V & A magazine advertising my November talk there
Friday 7th June filming here for German Television 0

Saturday 13th July The Financial Times. Robin Lane Fox
Radio Solent Saturday 13th Dig It
Telegraph Saturday 20th an article mentioning us but I can’t find it

23rd August Filmed by BBC TV for programme on Herbaceous borders with Chris Beardshaw presenting. To be broadcast November 2013-08-24
July 17 BBC TV Discover … subject Inspirational gardens so The Wild Garden here Gardens to be broadcast 2014 January.

September Discover Britatin magazine p58-60 Gertrude Jekyll Gardens.


The Great British Garden Revival BBC Television by matchstick tv? Chris Beardshaw part of the series on Herbaceous borders

German magazine Garten Traume ‘Englische Gartenladies pages 56 and 57

Women in Art. This garden featured Gertrude Jekyll in garden art. BBC television
Garten Ikonen (German book) by Heidi Howcroft and Marianne Majerus Callwey Press

MAY 2014
Hampshire Life ‘ ‘The Truly Secret Gardens in Upton Grey and Boldre’ Clare Pitcher

MAY 11 2014
The Mail on Sunday ‘Great Cottage Garden’ Martyn Cox
MAY 30 2014 Television BBC 2 The History of Women in Art
Features our garden and Gertrude Jekyll
May 2014 Bayerische Rundfunk Television Broadcast in Germany, Switzerland and Austria
May 2014 Drei Arte Possibly the same programme on French Television

JUNE 2014 Gardeners’ World Magazine. An article Stefan Buczacki Selects The Manor House,Upton Grey as his favourite garden

JUNE 8th Sunday Telegraph Life and Gardening ‘A Visit to Gardens of the Past

January Calendar ‘Garten der Welt. June. Alan le Toquin Mohn
February 28th The Daily Mail ‘The Novice Who Restored a Masterpiece

March 2015 Heidi Howcroft an Marianne Majerus ‘First Ladies of Gardening. (the first and large section) Frances Lincoln

June 2015 Chinese Landscape Architecture vol 31 our garden features on front cover

June 2015 Hagen for Alle our garden features on front cover
June 2015 Hagen for Alle our garden pi9ctured on front cover

June 2015 Chinese Landscape Architecture Vol 31
Our garden pictured on the front cover and in…


March The Historic Gardens of England. Hampshire. By Timothy Mowl and Jane Whitaker. Published by Stephen Morris

May A Japanese magazine title ?Flower and Green? In Japanese! Feature over 6 pages

July 9th Country Life. Article ‘The Best of Britain’

July Romantische Garten by Anja Birne. 20 English gardens


Women’s History
Spring edition of a German magazine includes GJ and our garden

Women’s History Julia Riess

Country Life June 7 ‘The Economics of Gardening by Charles Quest Ritson

MAY 10th BBC Radio Four – 3pm Open Country Interviewed, broadcast and photographed but I cannot find any evidence of publication
MAY Sunday Telegraph magazine Great Estates

AUGUST The History of Landscape and Design in 100 gardens. Linda A Chisolm. Timber Press

JANUARY The Basingstoke Gazette ‘Garden Work Recognition’ for BEM awarded to me in New Year’s Honours
December Katherine Bradley-Hole English Gardens


June 7th Country Life ‘The Economics of Gardening by Charles Quest Ritso



A short film called  Forever Entirely Yours

Written & Produced – David Garber and Carolyn Maitland

Directed – Luke Bradford


Country Life Jan 125 years edition


Monty Don’s British Gardens Series 1 ep4